I'm so grateful that 36 years ago today, God brought a very special man into this world! God knew, even then, that he would be the one for me and I wasn't even born yet! I love how God's plans are always perfect. So today, I want to wish the love of my life a Happy Birthday!
This past weekend was very busy with two performances of our Easter Musical and I didn't plan very well for his birthday celebration so Claire and Levi sprang into action to make their daddy's birthday breakfast one to remember! Levi suggested we make pancakes and put a candle in them, but there wasn't enough time before they had to leave for school. He then came up with the genius idea to put one in a piece of bread. His daddy was gonna have a candle by all means!! We whipped up his instant grits (and added some cheese to make them special) and we put that candle in a piece of bread. The kids ushered him in for the Birthday song and wish. It might not have been a grand breakfast but the love that was put into it will always be remembered.
He's a character! |
Happy Birthday, Daddy! |