Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I am so blessed to have a Godly mother who has been a wonderful example of what a mother should be!  I am the mother I am today because of her!  My mother has a gentle spirit and a generous heart.  She is always caring for others.  She never complains.  She spreads God's Love with a kind word and a smile.  If you have ever crossed her path, you have been blessed!  I love you, Mom!

God has also blessed me with a Godly mother-in-law who loves me like her own.  She raised the man that I call my husband and he is everything (and more) than I could have asked for! She is a hard worker (she devoted 37 years of service to the State of La.).  She is compassionate and caring.  She loves to study and share God's Word.  She is a blessing to me and others!  I love you, Grammy!

"Her children will rise up and call her blessed."  Proverbs 31

1 comment:

  1. You are blessed to have these two, and they're blessed to have you. Happy Mother's Day! :)
