Monday, August 23, 2010

A New Smile

Today marked another milestone for one of our know...crawling, walking, first tooth, first words, first day of school, first lost tooth, FIRST PHASE OF BRACES.  Matt and I knew this day was coming b/c our children have inherited our teeth.  Both of us wore braces for many years and it looks like the children will follow in our footsteps.  They do things a little different now and a little earlier than when we were children.  Claire is in Phase 1 of braces.  She has four brackets on her front four teeth and the orthodontist thinks they should straighten up in 4 to 6 months...we shall see.  She already has a beautiful it will be a little straighter!




Wow!  Is it just me or does Claire look about 10 years older??  Don't know if I like this braces thing or not!

Scrambled Eggs

Don't worry....I've heard all about the egg recall and I checked the numbers on our carton!  Thank goodness ours were not tainted with salmonella because my kids love scrambled eggs and were begging to cook some Saturday morning.  They put their aprons on and got ready to cook.  They love when I let them help cook and I should do that more often!  I'm not an expert chef...but they sure do love momma's scrambled eggs!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Day of School

 Our first day back to school was successful!  Claire and Levi both awoke with ease and gulped their coffee milk down (they get coffee milk in bed every morning) before hopping out of bed to get dressed.  After eating breakfast, we all got into our van to head to school.  There was a little excitement in the air with Levi starting a new school and being at the same school as his sister for the first time.  He was also a little nervous but I think that subsided after getting to the right location.  We took the traditional first day of school pics, Matt and I left and then I waited patiently all day to see how their first day went.    Upon picking them up, Levi remarked,  "It was awesome."  "School is fun."  Claire gladly informed me that I was the one who had homework tonight...and I did.  Claire and Levi both have wonderful Christian teachers and for that...we are very thankful.  We are anticipating a fantastic school year!

 All Smiles!

Levi and his sweet teacher

Claire and her sweet teacher

We are so happy to be a part of such a great school.  We are the only 4 star school in our Parish and # 20 in our state.  Way to go, Mustangs.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Worth Celebrating

I'm a little late in posting this, but we celebrated Claire's 1 year spiritual birthday on Sunday!

  August 9, 2009 is a day I will never forget.  Claire grabbed my hand during the Sunday morning invitation and with a trembling hand and shaky voice she said, "Mom, I need to go talk to daddy."  We reached daddy in about 5 steps (we sit on the second row) and she told him that she needed to ask Jesus into her heart.  Kneeling at the altar, she confessed her sins and asked Jesus to be her Lord (boss) and Savior.  We were rejoicing with the angels in heaven!  There is just something about knowing that your children are secure in their relationship with the Lord.  It has been exciting watching her grow in the Lord this past year and we pray daily that He will use her in a mighty way.

She followed the Lord in baptism about a month later and her daddy had the 
privilege of baptizing her just like my daddy baptized me. 
It is a sweet memory I will cherish forever.

But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such
is the kingdom of heaven."  Matthew 19:14

Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Fun

Summer is quickly coming to and end!  Not sure how I feel about this.  I look forward to having our routine back, but I'm not looking forward to early mornings and the trip to and from school (we have to drive about 30 minutes...but it's worth it!)  We have had a very busy and fun summer.  Here's a glimpse of what the kid's enjoyed during the Summer of 2010.

 Swimming with friends

 Playing in the sand pile at Papa and Nana's

Fishing at the pond