Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Fun

Summer is quickly coming to and end!  Not sure how I feel about this.  I look forward to having our routine back, but I'm not looking forward to early mornings and the trip to and from school (we have to drive about 30 minutes...but it's worth it!)  We have had a very busy and fun summer.  Here's a glimpse of what the kid's enjoyed during the Summer of 2010.

 Swimming with friends

 Playing in the sand pile at Papa and Nana's

Fishing at the pond


  1. Cute pictures. Great memories made, they will remember! I enjoyed sharing stopping by.

  2. Your kids are just precious! Looks like you all had a wonderful summer!

  3. Mary..I'm partial, but I think they are precious too! God has really blessed me. Summer was great, but I'm ready for some cooler weather...Fall is one of my favorite seasons and it's right around the corner!

  4. Opie!!! We like our Opie. ha ha. Love that fish!!!
