Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Football and a Field Trip

October has been a busy month!  Levi started playing flag football on the first Saturday of this month and he has loved every minute of it!  He is playing Upward at Southside Baptist Church in Mansfield and his daddy is the head coach!  They have both enjoyed it very much but will be glad when it is over.  They are driving quite a distance to get there for practice on Mondays and games on Saturdays.  It is also interfering with deer season....gasp!  Matt loves to hunt (opening day is October 30th....can't believe I know this!)  and he hasn't been able to give the time to setting up his stand, corn, and whatever else goes into hunting a deer.  These are the sacrifices we make for our children.  My month has been busy with missions and minister's wives retreat, therefore I have only seen him play once....and I was one proud mama!  Here is a glimpse of the game.

#5 on the field....# 1 in my heart

Levi and his friend, David

Levi's team ready to run out of the tunnel.

Prayer time before the game.

Field Trip

Levi also went on his first field trip this month to Papa Simpson's Farm in Arcadia, La.  His class experienced a "day on the farm" by feeding animals,
planting corn, and picking pumpkins. 
A fun time was had by all!

Mrs. Colvin's Class

 Holding a baby chick.

 Petting a kid.

 Talking to Wilbur.

 Bottle feeding a calf.

Howdy partner....what you think about all this farmin' business?

 Milking a cow.

 Planting corn in a dust bowl. (No rain in 3 months)

 Papa Simpson and Farmer Levi

 The perfect pumpkin picked to end a perfect day!

Serving Him

Monday got by me without time to blog, therefore; I haven't listed my multitude of blessings this week.  Well...I'm going to start with a story that melted my heart this past week and brought me great joy.  Our family is going on a short term mission trip this coming weekend with some others from our church.  This is the first mission trip Claire and Levi have ever been on and they are quite excited.  (Actually they were too small to remember the first mission trip we took as a family.)  We will be working with some dear friends in South Louisiana who are church planters.  Our church has partnered with them financially and now we are going to be "hands on!"  The men in our group will be building a porch on a trailer that is the location of a bible study group in a large trailer park.  The ladies will be volunteering at a local festival and helping the church at their booth and wherever else we may be needed.  My daughter, Claire, told me this past week, "Mom, I am so excited about this mission trip because I have never gotten to tell anyone about Jesus!"  Talk about melt your heart....if that doesn't....I don't know what will.   I am praying that God will put someone in her path that she can share the gospel with.....she has been wearing her gospel bracelet this week in preparation.  I pray that He will give me her enthusiasm and put someone in my path too!

 Pray for her to share the Good News!

67.  excited children
68.  opportunities to serve
69.  more rain
70.  new cozy bedroom furniture
71.  hugs at school
72.  provision
73.  sweet prayer time with friends
74.  hospitable friends
75.  a day off
76.  leaves changing colors
77.  quiet time with God
78.  new faces at church
79.  retreat with girls in "my" shoes
80.  time

Monday, October 11, 2010


It has been very dry here in Louisiana for the past few weeks.  So much so that our entire state has been in a burn ban!  That means no bonfires, wienie roast , or outdoor grilling!!  The weather has been absolutely gorgeous and we are in desperate need of rain.  I was delighted today to get wet when I went out shopping.  God has opened up the clouds and allowed it to rain down!!  He has also poured out his blessings on me this week and I am happy to share them with you.

62.  shopping with a sweet friend
63.  watching a community and church family respond in a time of need
64. seeing the sun blaze through the early morning fog
65.  volunteers responding to the call
66.  Grace, Grace, God's Grace

Have a Blessed Week!

I'm joining the Gratitude Community at A Holy Experience.

holy experience

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Annie is the first prisoner I ever met face to face 2 years ago.  She made me feel so welcome in prison.  She is a beautiful person inside and out. 

My heart was saddened this year when I learned of my friend, Annie, being in the infirmary. Annie knows the Lord and loves Him dearly.  She will be seeing him face to face very soon and experiencing true freedom for the first time in a LONG time.  When I looked into her eyes I saw the look of death...but she is ready to meet her Maker.  She has had both kidney's removed and when I asked the Asst. Warden how you live without kidney's , she answered, "You don't."  The Great Physician will bring ultimate healing to Annie's body one day very soon and I pray that she goes in Peace.  I thank God for allowing me to look into her eyes and put my arms around her for possibly the last time this side of Heaven and to whisper three little words...I love you.  Please pray for Annie......she will be breaking free very soon and running into the arms of Jesus.

There is a freedom of worship behind bars that very few people in the free world ever experience.  These ladies have lost it ALL and they have nothing else to lose so they give their ALL to Jesus.  I have to ask myself why don't I express my freedom in Christ when I worship Him...why do I act like I am bound by chains???   I want to break free and let my passion for Him be evident to those around me.  What about you...are you free in Jesus?  Have you surrendered your ALL to Him?? 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thanks you, Jesus!

Thanks for your prayers for me and the women ministering at LCIW this past weekend.  We had an absolutely blessed time and my heart is overflowing.  I will attempt to share a few stories in the next few day, but I have much to process in my heart and mind.  I will start by telling you that on Friday we passed out 1100 boxes to all kinds of women with one thing in common......all sinners in need of a Savior.  The simple white cardboard box included, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, bar soap, lotion, socks, and a pen.  Eight items that cost between $10-$15.  Items we take for granted every day....treasures to them. 

I was honored to go to lockdown to pass the boxes to the women who couldn't come to us.  Imagine a hot, humid, dark, dreary, concrete room with two metal bunk beds, a toilet in the middle with no privacy and metal bars keeping you inside except for 30 minutes of sunshine a day....this is lockdown.  Cell after cell filled with women who can't stay out of trouble.  Suffering the consequences of their sin.  I was able to look into their eyes, say "God Bless You" and hand them a treasured possession...hygiene items.  Pictures aren't allowed in prison so just imagine your childrens faces on Christmas morning.  The transformation from despair to delight was a sight to see!  We were giving these boxes in love because of what Jesus has done in our lives....and sharing with them Oh How He Loves You too.  In lockdown, they had to empty their box and return it to me and as I went back to collect lady had written on the top, "Thank You, Jesus."  This was a reminder that it is not about me (or us).....It's all about HIM.  A small gift in Jesus' name.  

Matthew 25:40, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these 
My brethren, you did it to Me."

51.  freedom in Christ
52.  women willing to serve
53.  opportunities to share Christ
53.  seeing souls saved
54.  observing the ordinance of baptism (34 women)
55.  new friends
56.  people praying
57.  hygiene items
58.  safety in travel
59.  hugs and kisses at home
60.  luxuries of home
61. grace and forgiveness

I'm linking to the gratitude community at @ holy experience.  Check it out!

holy experience