Monday, January 24, 2011

Nine Years Old

Dear Claire,

    Nine years ago, you changed our lives forever!  You made us parents and we embarked on the greatest and most difficult journey we have ever faced.  Thankfully, God has equipped us with the tools we need to raise you in a secular world.  You have blessed us with your sweet, sensitive spirit and we are thrilled that you have surrendered your heart and life to Jesus.  We pray for you daily to follow God's plan for your life.  Always remember Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." 
     It is hard to believe that you have been with us for half of the time we will have to teach you all that you need to know before leaving home!  We hope that the next nine years will slow down because there is so much to learn!!  We will always be your greatest fan and will be here to love and encourage you in this journey of life.  You are a precious treasure to us!  

With all our love,
Mom and Dad


  1. Amen! We love you, Claire! You are a gift and a blessing from our loving God.

  2. PaPa Gil and Miss Momie love you, Claire! Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday, Claire!!! Wow! Time sure does fly!

  4. Jana, what sweet words for Claire. I echo those same words to Heidi! Yes, so much to learn in such a short time! I do hope to treasure every moment that I can!
