This weekend is a much anticipated adventure for me! I will be traveling with seven other women from my home church and approximately 100 other women from the state of Louisiana to our annual Women's Revival at Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women. It is our state penitentiary for women. I will be privileged to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these women who have been incarcerated for some mistake they have made. The prison chaplain once told us that the only difference between these women and the rest of us is that they have done something and been caught. Isn't that the truth. We are all sinners in need of a Savior!
I will see girls that still need their mommas, mommas who need their daughters, grandmothers who need their families....I will see hurt, pain, sadness, suffering, longing. I will see forgiveness and repentance. I will see tears, smiles, and joy! I will see Jesus. These women worship with a freedom that those of us in the free world withhold. They have lost it all and have nothing else to lose so they give their ALL to Jesus. I learn so many lessons in prison.
Please pray with me for the 1400 women we will minister to this weekend. I am praying that Jesus will put at least one woman in my path that I can encourage and share the gift of salvation. Pray for those that are going with us to be willing to be used. Pray that above all, Jesus will be Glorified!
I can't wait to share with you the stories from my weekend in prison.
Matthew 25:36b "I was in prison and you came to Me."