Saturday, September 18, 2010

This is the life!

These are Claire's exact words during Labor Day weekend..."this is the life!"  Our family left Sunday night following church to attend a Minister's Family Day Retreat at our local camp, Clara Springs.  We spent one night in a cabin and had two other pastor's family's there to fellowship with together.  I guess you could say we spent "half a night" in the cabin considering that we all stayed up visitng, playing cards and Sequence, running around in the dark and laughing until around 1 am.  We slept in until 8 am and then the adventure began.  The kids canoed, paddle boated, swam in the lake, fished and swam in the pool!  I had the honor of peddling the younger kids around in a paddle boat with two of my dear friends, Cassy and Julie.  Our camp managers, Bubba and Mandi, treated us like royalty by feeding us steak, sausage, baked potatoes, rolls, salad, and ICE CREAM!  It truly was a wonderful day and one we look forward to every year!  Thanks, Bubba and Mandi, for pampering us like you do....we are truly blessed.




 All good things must come to an end!


  1. Thanks for sharing! Brought back wonderful memories. I had a little eye-moisture from looking. I have not seen the cabins, but we have had wonderful times there, with other deacon families and staff meetings. Bro. Benny & Mrs. Sally use to roll the red carpet out.
    Have a wonderful weekend worshipping our Saviour.
    Thanks for stopping by Places of my Heart today.
    IN HIM,
    Haven't forgotten our phone date. :)

  2. Looks like a great time had by all. How cool. Well, we wish we had been there!!!

  3. It sounds like you all had a great time. Hold on to those times; they are oh so fleeting and precious!
